1. Name and Object

The name shall be Salisbury Group of Artists and shall exist for the advancement and practice of painting and allied visual arts.

2. Membership

Membership shall be open to all interested in art and shall be divided into two categories:

(a) Fellows and
(b) Members

3. Election

Members shall be elected on application in writing to the Secretary. Fellows shall be elected from the roll of members by the Executive Committee.

4. Management

The affairs of the Group shall be managed by the Executive Committee elected from the membership and comprising: President, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Exhibition Secretary and five members. The latter are elected for a period of three years and, on retirement, they shall not stand for re-election to the Committee for at least one year.

5. Subscriptions

The annual subscription shall be fixed at a General Meeting and shall fall due and be payable on the 1st January each year. A member elected after the 1st August shall pay one half of the annual subscription. Fellows shall not be required to pay a subscription.

6. Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting shall take place after the close of the financial year on a date to be fixed by the Committee and notice of this shall be sent not less than 14 days beforehand to every member. An audited financial statement shall be read at the meeting.

7. Activities

There shall be an Annual Exhibition of Members’ work and, in addition a programme to include Exhibitions, Lectures, Criticisms and other activities shall be arranged and duly notified to members.

8. Exhibitions

All work submitted for Group exhibitions shall be judged by an independent panel of artists with the exception that Fellows are entitled to have one unjudged work hung, unless it is stipulated that the exhibition shall be unjudged.

9. Bye-Laws

The Committee shall have power to frame Bye-Laws so long as they do not conflict with these rules.

10. Alteration to Rules

These Rules shall not be altered except by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting in a General Meeting of which due notice shall be given.